Create custom questions to collect more info from attendees

Set up custom questions to ask for additional attendee info at check-out (like t-shirt size or meal preference for example). Follow the steps below to add new registration questions, or edit existing registration questions.

In this article:

Add a new question

Edit an existing question

Add a new question

Step 1: Go to your event edit page

Go to My Events > Manage Events. In the pulldown menu under Action select Attendee Registration.

Step 2: Turn on the registration feature

Click Collect information below for purchaser or each attendee to enable custom questions.

Step 3: Add question

1. Choose from a list of available options and check  Required if you want to make it mandatory for the purchaser to answer the question.

Tip: Don't overwhelm ticket buyers with too many questions since this could discourage them from completing the check-out process. Use registration questions sparingly and only when necessary to ensure a quick and easy check-out.

2. Add a custom question (optional). Click Add Question to save.

Ξ Note

Events with more than one ticket type will show tabs to control questions by ticket type. Click on the tab to configure registration settings for each ticket type.

Edit an existing question

Step 1: Go to your event edit page

Go to  My Events > Manage Events and using the pulldown menu under Action select Attendee Registration.

Step 2: Edit event registration

Using the pulldown menu to the right of the question select Edit to edit an existing question. Click Update Question to save the question.

⇒ Quick tip

HitSave Event when you're done to save any changes you made.

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