Twitter Ads conversion ID

Use Twitter Conversion Tracking to measure the success of your Twitter advertising campaigns by integrating your tracking code with your Big Tickets event pages.

To set up your Twitter Remarketing integration with Big Tickets, please follow the instructions below.

Add a Twitter Conversion ID to your Big Tickets account

Step 1: Create a Twitter Ads account. If you don't already have one you can create one here.

Step 2: Create a new Twitter Remarketing tracking code.

Sign in to  Twitter Ads to get started.

  1. Click Tools and then select Conversion Tracking
  2. Select Create new website tag
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions
  4. In the Name field, enter "Ticket Sales"
  5. Select the type of conversion this tag will track: Purchase
  6. Do not check the Create a new code for this option
  7. The default values for Conversion Settings are acceptable to use, but we recommend using 30 days for each
  8. Select Save tag and generate code snippet

Step 3: Copy your Twitter Conversion ID.

Copy your Conversion ID from the text box as shown from the highlighted box below:

Step 4: Add your Conversion ID to your event pages.

  1. Go to My Events Manage Events and click on the event name to edit.
  2. Go to Social & Integrations tab (Step 2) > Add your pixels > Save your event.

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